Coaches play a key role not only on the field of play but as agents of social change in Indigenous communities. Their guidance can have a direct and lasting impact on the healthy and active lifestyles of community members, especially youth.
As creators and stewards of the Aboriginal Coaching Program (ACP), the Aboriginal Sport Circle (ASC) and the Coaching Association of Canada (CAC) have made it a priority to educate, promote the value of, and establish Indigenous participation in the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP).
Originally founded to provide culturally relevant professional development for coaches of First Nation, Métis or Inuit descent, the ACP now also provides critical training and tools for non-Indigenous coaches working within Indigenous communities or with Indigenous participants.
The Aboriginal Coaching Program is built around a cultural platform meant to engage coaches and empower them to make a positive, long-lasting impact in their roles and in their communities.
A training curriculum for Indigenous and non-Indigenous coaches that reflects unique Indigenous approaches, culture, values, and lifestyles.
Multi-step training program for First Nations, Metis and Inuit peoples interested in becoming accredited Learning Facilitators who can lead ACMs.
A professional development program for First Nation, Metis and Inuit coaches.
An annual event providing recognition for First Nation, Metis and Inuit coaches
Aboriginal Sport Circle
c/o House of Sport RA Centre
2451 Riverside Drive
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1H 7X7
x 613-518-8353 TF 1-855-814-4574