Indigenous Community Coach Apprenticeship Program (ICCAP)

The Aboriginal Sports Circle (ASC), NAIG Host Society, NAIG Council, the Coaching Association of Canada (CAC), Provincial/Territorial Aboriginal Sports Bodies (PTASB) and the Provincial/Territorial Coaching Representatives (PTCRs) strongly believe that coaching apprenticeship programs are an essential part of the development of a coach. Furthermore, apprenticeship programs can be used to attract and support underrepresented populations in coaching, such as female and Indigenous coaches. The program provides up to two Indigenous coaches from each Province and Territory the opportunity to develop their coaching skills through the delivery of the NAIG.

ICCAP objectives include:

  • Building coaching capacity within Indigenous communities.
  • Providing Indigenous apprentice coaches with domestic multi-sport games exposure.
  • Providing Indigenous apprentice coaches with professional development and learning opportunities to prepare them for high-level coaching and ensure an increase in their level of NCCP certification to a minimum of Competition - Development, Trained. (Apprentices complete training within 12 months following the Games)
  • Exposing Indigenous apprentice coaches to elite/high-performance coaches.
  • Ensuring Indigenous apprentice coaches are prepared to handle a meaningful role during the North American Indigenous Games experience.

2023 Indigenous Apprentice Coaches:

Province/Territory Name Sport
AB James Pictou III Archery
1 Keely Favel Volleyball
BC Nevada Johnson Softball
Deanna Gray Basketball
MB Jessica Chow Soccer
Maxine Lavitt Swimming
NL Evan Powell Badminton
Jessica Saunders Volleyball
NWT Bronwyn Rutherford-Simon Soccer
John Roche Basketball
ON Mayheve Rondeau Swimming
PEI Kiara Labobe Beach Volleyball
Breanne Lewis Badminton
QC Jordyn Goodleaf Wrestling
SK Rhonda Tuomi Softball
YK Zaria Netro Volleyball
Marcus Sparver Basketball
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